Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Class Experience/Final Blog

Overall I loved the class. I learned a lot about photoshop, illustrator, and indesign techniques. One thing I learned in the class was to not fully rely on the computer and use hand drawn type and illustrations for my work. I also liked the individual critique time because it helped me create better projects and learn how to use the programs better. I enjoyed taking the class and it makes me anticipate my future graphic design classes.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"How to" Illustrative Style

For the illustrations of the "How to" zine I am going to use a bold simplified outline style

Monday, November 8, 2010

"How to" Zine Topic

My topic for the "How to" Zine is how to fight vampires. I researched books at the library and two main sources I found at the library are Vampireology and Encyclopedia Horrifica. Both books I found in the children's section but both offer good illustrations and information on my topic.

final graphic map

final poster

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sources for psa

Art of Modern Rock, Photographing Buildings, Here comes the robots, and All American Ads 50s.