Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Class Experience/Final Blog

Overall I loved the class. I learned a lot about photoshop, illustrator, and indesign techniques. One thing I learned in the class was to not fully rely on the computer and use hand drawn type and illustrations for my work. I also liked the individual critique time because it helped me create better projects and learn how to use the programs better. I enjoyed taking the class and it makes me anticipate my future graphic design classes.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"How to" Illustrative Style

For the illustrations of the "How to" zine I am going to use a bold simplified outline style

Monday, November 8, 2010

"How to" Zine Topic

My topic for the "How to" Zine is how to fight vampires. I researched books at the library and two main sources I found at the library are Vampireology and Encyclopedia Horrifica. Both books I found in the children's section but both offer good illustrations and information on my topic.

final graphic map

final poster

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sources for psa

Art of Modern Rock, Photographing Buildings, Here comes the robots, and All American Ads 50s.

Notes for PSA

 For the PSA I wanted to create something fun and not serious so I thought of robots and how they're portrayed in the media and movies. Then I thought of something outrageous like robots taking over the world so beware of robots stuck with me.
I originally wanted to do something about ninjas but the idea didn't clique with me and I didn't really think of producing a warning out of it so I stuck with robots.
I also wanted to make the composition of the psa like an old 50s horror movie poster and thats where I drew inspiration for the letters.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Final Design for Poster


Letter example of colorizing the "O" photo

I started by loading the photo into photoshop adjusted the levels and cropped the image down to the specific size that I wanted and then I put a layer mask upon the photo. Then I used the pen tool to create a path around the "O" and made the path into a selection. Afterwards I inverse the selection to where the negative space was selected and i filled it with black which hid the negative space because of my layer mask. I used a layer mask because if i took off too much information in the cut out I can still retrieve information back if i use white on the mask. I then created a hue/saturation layer then selected colorize and made the "O" orange.
photo before
photo after

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Notes toward letter project

For my font I decided to go with Helvetica Neue Bold and I wanted to base the letters off of a personal theme. I wasn't sure what to go with so I decided to go with different things I like like clothes, music, art stuff, movies etc.